Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Aesthetics of windows

Aesthetics - it is so to speak the first thing to which we are paying attention at the purchase of windows, perhaps because it will be one of elements one will see which outside. Made windows of the natural material wood is which are ensuring the beauty it is hard to achieve which even with the best veneers wood-like, applied in case of uPVC windows, so here plastic windows are giving ground. At present modern technologies of the production, the impregnation and painting wood cause, that these windows are durable and long are keeping aesthetic advantages. Not without reason wooden windows continue still in ceiling prices than plastic.


  1. Aesthetics is interesting when it comes to deciding on windows. Cornwall has examples of both uPVC and wood working well. I guess sometimes it will come down to personal taste, and other times, cost.

  2. I agree with Lucy, in fact i believe that some uPVC manufacturers are really pushing the boundaries with their styling to ensure that uPVC windows lose that 'plastic' look.

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